The State of Kansas received $1.034 billion in Coronavirus Relief Fund (“CRF”) dollars from the federal CARES Act to support State, Local and Tribal governments as they confront the COVID-19 pandemic.  The following dashboard shows how Kansas has allocated those dollars to programs or projects and the amount of allocated funds expended to date.  Please note that data for a given month is received about one month afterward; for example, spending reports for May 2021 are received in early July 2021.  Additional money is being distributed to Kansans daily. The investment priorities were determined by Governor Laura Kelly’s Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce, which is composed of business, community, and legislative leaders from across Kansas and county governments with input from stakeholders in their communities. The dashboard will be updated by the 10th of each month.

Definitions for investment categories shown in the dashboard are as follows:

  • Amount allocated to date: Funds the Office of Recovery has allocated to respective Kansas counties and statewide organizations who are responsible for administering programs and services to Kansans. Note: The dashboard’s amount allocated to date may not always display the total CRF allocation of $1.034B due to recoupment.
  • Amount expended to date: The amount of allocated funds expended to date by Kansas counties and statewide organizations.
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